Sunday, April 26, 2009

CRAP Bus Rides

Yesterday as I was sitting on one of the more average buses floating around new Zealand, I had a few hours to reflect on crap bus rides around the world. There are many factors that can make or break a bus ride. These include distance, bus condition, temperature, amount of crap people on bus and whether you had anyone to talk to. Another massive factor is your level on hungoverness and how much sleep you had the night before.
This particular bus ride was only four hours, but went through some towns that could only be described as struggling with some fairly heavy social problems. Also the bus was full and the average weight of people on the bus was about 150kg. The guy sitting beside me looked like a house, he also smelt like his body hadn’t been wet for at least a week. So as I sat there in my fairly tight space, I wondered why I had come back to the backpackers life? Especially since the bus driver, who looked like he had been on a meth bender for four days, decided to put ‘War of the worlds: The musical’ on the DVD player. He had filmed it himself live in Auckland last year. It was torture.
However upon dragging my sorry arse to my hostel in Rotorua, I had an excellent chat with the young maori girl at reception. This girl was a travel goddess, she gave me my own room, she pointed me in the direction of the hot springs and all my problems seemed to melt away.
So I guess the moral of the story is that these average experiences make you feel extra happy with what you have at home!!!!

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